Assumption Ladies Philoptochos Society
Presents a Greek “Trio” for Easter
 Tsoureki (Greek Sweet Bread)
 Spanikopita (Spinach Pie)
 Tiropites (Cheese triangles)
ALL orders must be pre-paid
Deadline for pre-orders— Thursday, April 14, 2016
Pick-up dates for pre-orders – Thursday, April 21, 2016 (10am-3pm)
– Sunday, April 24, 2016 (9:30am-1pm)
Assumption Orthodox Church of Grand Blanc
(Between Holly & Fenton Roads)
Name _____________________________________________________________
Address ______________________________________ City________________
Zip ________ Phone________________ Alternate Phone____________________
Item Price Quantity Cost
Large Sweet Bread (Tsoureki) $8.00 _______ _______
Small Sweet Bread (Tsoureki) $5.00 _______ _______
Spinach Pita (Frozen 15 pieces) $20.00 _______ _______
Cheese Triangles (Frozen) $1.00 _______ _______
TOTAL: _______
Please make checks payable to Philoptochos Society and mail to the church care of:
Philoptochos Society, Assumption Greek Orthodox Church, 2245 E. Baldwin Rd, Grand Blanc, MI 48439
For more information, please contact the church at 810-771-4611

The order form can be downloaded from here